OAKLAND (510)567-3489
8800 Fontaine St. Oakland, CA 94605
Have you been looking for a dependable daycare facility? We’re here to help. At Baby Yale Academy in Oakland, CA, we provide everything your child needs to get started on the right educational path.
A balanced curriculum promotes the development of the whole kid. Our kids are divided into groups based on their social maturity and developmental level, allowing us to better meet their specific needs. Individualized training maximizes their abilities. Continual evaluation of each child's progress will enable us to provide a realistic yet challenging curriculum.
Our program's fundamentals and key concepts are founded on early childhood and preschool educational principles. The curriculum for each classroom and age group is carefully designed to ensure that your kid is both cared for and challenged every day in fresh and imaginative ways.
When you’re ready to get started, your child’s future is only a phone call away. Our team is looking forward to hearing from you!
Choose A Location
Lone Tree 1: 925-308-7693
Lone Tree 2: 925-240-4699
Harvest Park: 925-626-5004
Pittsburg: 925-291-2509
Oakland: (510)567-3489
Bay Point: (925)291-2534
Business Hours
Monday - Friday 6:00am - 6:30pm
Saturday - Sunday Closed
NOTATE: Hours may vary by location
Email: litareeves@aol.com